Sanja Markovic

the project

"Ascension" has a contemporary jazz language that speaks of love and humanity, both for the sound colors, the arrangements and the rhythmic patterns that form a precious and multifaceted bouquet of sounds for a refined music that blends with the deep, silky and sensual voice by Sanja Markovic and with her safe and flowing way of playing the sax. This project winks at a way of conceiving music in which the spiritual approach has its own precise raison d'etre, the music is all the more powerful and suggestive the more filigree and shiny it can become, always managing to produce a timbral mixture that blends together the more abstract aspects with profiles of very strong emotional involvement. The stylistic solutions that contain almost all the elements of his expressive and evocative music alternate, ancestral influences and melodies with soul references. However, to tell the truth, the real sound poetry is inherent in the compositions of absolute homogeneity that guarantees a refined work of great international importance.


“Con Ascension, la cantante/sassofonista Sanja Markovic ha realizzato un dettaglio e una raccolta artistica di composizioni che forgiano nuove direzioni del design musicale contemporaneo. La sua visione, realizzata attraverso la musica, incarna il pieno potenziale di espansione della narrazione e fantasia, ritratto della sua vita e della sua umanità”
Greg Osby | sassofonista e compositore

“Sanja Markovic… È un’eccellente sassofonista e compositrice, ma il suo vero potere, per me, è nella sua voce profonda ed emozionante, con quell’emozione che ti fa venire voglia di ascoltarla e ascoltarla ancora”
Tim Dickeson | Jazzwise Magazine | London

“Spiriti affini… Più vado attraverso questi tempi più mi sento l’esortare la musica a non essere compiuta come forma di adulazione e intrattenimento ma arte che può elevare il nostro spirito in spazi più alti.
Quindi, benvenuta Sanja Markovic. La tua musica è qui per condividere questi sentimenti con la sua bellezza – una brezza dell’est.”
Nicola Conte | compositore e produttore discografico

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the musicians

Sanja Markovic

tenor sax and soprano sax, voice

Sanja Markovic is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, jazz singer and producer, born in Belgrade and lived since her adolescence between Belgrade and the east coast of the United States of America, where she had the opportunity to experiment different musical genres (classical, jazz, bossa nova) as well as having learned music production skills at the Water Music Studio (Pharoah Sanders, Esperanza Spalding, Lenny White, Yusef Lateef, Christian McBride, Jazz Passengers, Dave Matthews Band, Beyoncé, U2, Martin Scorsese, Shakira, HBO, etc.) in New York with Rob Grenoble. She studied piano in the United States and in Belgrade where she obtained a Master's degree in musical harmony at the Department of Music Theory and Pedagogy of the Faculty of Musical Arts. Sanja writes arrangements for Big Band ("The Mystery of Man" at Kolarac Concert Hall in Belgrade and Big Band of Karaganda in Kazakhstan) as well as in various theaters and conceptual music/theater groups as a composer and performer, such as Dah Teatar Theater Center in "Secrets of Momcilo Nastasijević", Belgrade Drama Theater (piano and tenor sax) in the show “Welcome to Serbia", also composed, played and sang music for documentaries (UNITE to End Violence Against Women and The Rise and Fall of Art), commercials (for Leo Burnett Worldwide - Chicago, LeImage Inc. - New York). Sanja is the winner of an "Award with a Distinction" at the Jazz Katowice International of Composition 2018 in Poland.

Max Kochetov

alto sax and soprano sax

Ivan Aleksijevic


Milan Nikolic


Nikola Banovic


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press kit

Sanja Markovic

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